Pietersburg English Medium Primary School


1. Always wear the correct uniform.
2. Be neat and look after your uniform.
3. All clothes MUST be mark! Any unmarked clothing will be washed and given to the School Shop.
4. No civvies to be worn during the afternoon
5. No "mops" or "mushroom" hairstyles (boys).
6. No outlandish hairstyles, eg. step, punk, gels, etc. (boys).
7. Fringe 2 cm above eyebrows, no hair must be in the face (girls).
8. If hair hangs below the bottom edge of the top of the collar, it must be tied up (girls).
9. Any hair accessories must be navy, white or yellow (girls).
10. No outlandish hairstyles, eg. dreadlocks, gels, affro, etc (girls)
11. No nail polish on finger nails or toe nails.
12. Don't damage, scratch or write on furniture, any equipment or buildings.
13. No Tipp-Ex (will be confiscated immediately).
14. No drawing pins or Prestik in child's possession.
15. No eating during classtime.
16. No chewing gum on school property.
17. Move quickly and quitly between classes and use quiet voice at all times.
18. Obey the bells and whistles.
19. No fighting, don't get into arguments.
20. Never leave the School grounds without permission (this includes before school starts in the morning).
21. Never talk to strangers through the fences during breaks.
22. Place all rubbish in the bins, don't litter.
23. Stay out of the flower beds.
24. Don't take other people's belongings.
25. No stone throwing (or any dangerous objects).
26. No swearing or foul language.
27. Don't damage trees or goalposts.
28. No spitting.
29. No smoking.
30. No child to be in possession of dangerous objects: knives, crackers, toy guns.
31. No riding of bicycles on school ground.
32. No back-chatting teachers, prefects and monitors.
33. Look after all sports equipment.
34. No toys, TV games, cellphones, radios or walkmans at school.
35. No children in hall without teacher being present.
36. No sliding on floors.
37. Sit quietly during Assemblies.
38. Bookbags or cases must be of a firm, non-collapsible type.
39. No soft pliable bags as they damage expensive books.
40. Any sport uniform or swimming gear pupils bring to school must be in a proper bag.
41. Sport: Excuse yourself from any sport practices in time (previous day).
42. Note from parents or doctor's certificate when child doesn't attend school or practices.

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